
Our Ecotech Pellet Service

The application of the custom engineered wood pellets to wet hydro excavation slurry leads to absorption, solidification, and stabilization of the wet slurry into a manageable, non-liquid material—within minutes following contact. When pellets are mixed with the wet hydro excavation slurry they begin to open allowing the kiln-dried sawdust inside to absorb the water. This allows you to take what was previously a liquid waste and either dump it onsite or move it to your local solid waste disposal facility.


Meet The Team: Ryan Frank

Operations Manager

Before working for Ecotech Hydro Excavation, Operations Manager Ryan Frank had worked several years at his family’s business before moving on to an excavation company where he ran equipment. He has now been working for Ecotech for the last seven years.


Safety Training Measures at Ecotech Hydro Excavation

Director of Safety—Chad Breneman

Ecotech Hydro Excavation’s Director of Safety Chad Breneman comes from over 20 years working in the residential construction field. Through training and field experience at Ecotech, Chad was able to see that the safety policies were put in place to make sure none of the team was in danger—especially when working near 230,000 volts of electricity.



Preventing Hand Injuries

Annual Hand Injuries

Each year, more than one million hand injuries place workers in the ER. Additionally, there are more than 110,000 recorded lost-time hand injuries on a yearly basis. Unfortunately, 70% of the emergency room incidences are a result of not wearing protective gloves on the job, while the other 30% of these injuries are caused by not wearing the correct type of gloves.




GapVax: How Our Trucks Are Made

GapVax: How Our Trucks Are Made

Johnstown, Pennsylvania

At Ecotech Hydro Excavation, we strive to partner with companies who not only provide wonderful products but also share our belief that giving back to the community remains at the core of what we do. The Ecotech team recently visited the GapVax production facility in historic Johnstown, Pennsylvania. We were excited to see first-hand where our state-of-the-art hydro-excavation trucks are built. The process begins as raw steel and ends with a fully equipped truck—built to last through a generation. It was truly amazing to see up close.

Lazaretto Quarantine Station Project

Lazaretto Quarantine Station, Essington, PA

At Ecotech, we believe that the successful preservation of historical artifacts is critical to the success of any project. Ecotech recently completed a fascinating project at the Lazaretto quarantine station located in Essington, PA. The origin of this amazing historical site runs back to the 1790s when it was constructed in response to devastating yellow fever epidemics that were sweeping across the countryside. These fever outbreaks were so severe that their presence forced the newly formed American government to flee Philadelphia (the nation’s capital at the time).






Project: Repairing Electrical Vault

Project: Repairing Electrical Vault

Sunbury, PA

Ecotech Hydro Excavation worked with an electrical contractor in Sunbury, PA. Using hydro excavation services allowed the contractor to repair an electrical vault located in a homeowner’s yard. Minimal disturbance to the property made for a very happy homeowner!










Project: Electrical Substation

Williamsport, PA

Ecotech used air excavation and trenching to locate underground utilities at an electrical substation in Williamsport, PA. By using air excavation, material stays dry and can be used for backfill.