Discover Safe Digging with Ecotech!

Discover Safe Digging with Ecotech!

Discover Safe Digging with Ecotech!
Digging around lines and pipes can be dangerous if not done correctly and with an experienced team. Using Vacuum Excavation can significantly lower your chances of having to deal with the cost of a hit. What are those costs?


Complete DIY Backyard Projects Safely

The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming so what better time than now to start renovating your backyard or patio area?! We know how fun it is to play Fixer-Upper and experience the satisfaction of completing a project with our own two hands. Here at Ecotech, we want your family to have as much fun as possible reworking your backyard or patio space while also taking safety measures that will ensure the safety of not only your family but your property! Below are some basic safety tips that we recommend this renovating season.




Safety Training Measures at Ecotech Hydro Excavation

Director of Safety—Chad Breneman

Ecotech Hydro Excavation’s Director of Safety Chad Breneman comes from over 20 years working in the residential construction field. Through training and field experience at Ecotech, Chad was able to see that the safety policies were put in place to make sure none of the team was in danger—especially when working near 230,000 volts of electricity.

